

Fill out all online fields and click Submit.
See below if additional documents need to be submitted.

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Is this a new or existing project?
Provide from and to dates
Pick the 1 or 2 that best describes your project:
The Carleton North Community Foundation supports initiatives in the above categories. Choose the best one or two that mostly describes your project.

Include Project Expenditures (please itemize) and a Total of Project Expenditures. Also include Project Revenue (include all other sources of funding) - Federal Funding, Provincial Funding, Municipal Funding, Admission Fees, Sponsorships, Fundraising, Merchandise Sales, and any other funding.

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 4 files.
Upload any supporting documents you like ( budget etc..)

CNCF Requirements for Successful Applicants:

  • Complete online Grant Recipient Form within 3 months of grant being awarded.
  • Recognition of the grant from Carleton North Community Foundation on your social media platforms.
Do you agree?
Signature 1
Signature 2

Additional documents may be emailed to CNCF with subject line "Attention grant application". Please indicate your agency name when doing so.

Note that you will be emailed a copy of your application once you click “Submit”.