Application Guidelines

Grant Application Guidelines:

The Carleton North Community Foundation supports the Northern Carleton area in a
wide range of programs including Arts & Culture, Education, Beautification, Economic
Development, Recreation, Health and Wellness, and Environment.

The following types of organizations and activities will be deemed eligible for a grant
from The Carleton North Community Foundation:

• A registered Canadian Charity
• A registered Canadian amateur athletic association
• A municipality in the Carleton North area
• Federal and Provincial Government Agencies e.g. Schools / Hospitals
The following types of organizations and activities will be deemed ineligible for a grant
from The Carleton North Community Foundation:
• Non-registered charitable institutions unless supported by a qualified organization
described above
• Organizations that are profit oriented
• Activities that are political or religious in nature
• Individuals, unless the request is deemed unique and unusual, and then only
through an organization described above
• Annual Fund Drives
• Deficit Financing

If after reading the above you feel your activity qualifies for consideration, please proceed to Apply Here“.

Application Deadlines for the year are as follows:

– February 1st
– May 1st
– August 1st
– November 1st